
I am a bridge
between people
and their growth
in the digital era.


Let People grow through Lifelong Learning

Reskilling people by Digital Education is a key factor for business to develop and for people to keep employable and accountable. Empowering people’s enthusiasm for personal growth and improving their digital literacy allow them to turn setbacks into learning, and enter a world of opportunities. Personal Branding and Networking skills affect both online and offline Reputation, and are essential to disclose Digital Awareness. As former Head of People and Adult Education expert, I co-design Digital Learning Experience for organizations of any kind. I support people expressing their authentic Personal Value, and becoming the truthful Brand Ambassadors organizations need.

Here you go: you might be interested to give a look below here to a selection of institutions and companies which have been trusting my support so far.



ABB, Adecco, Aici Italy Chapter, Allianz, Angelini, Assist, Associazione Civile Giorgio Ambrosoli, Banca Ifis, Banca Intesa, Bigname, California Bakery, The British Chamber of Commerce for Italy Milano, Cescot Veneto, CNR, Comune di Milano (La Dogana - Centro Culturale), Darty, Digitalic, Discovery Communication, ECIPA, Edelman, Consorzio ELIS, DOING, HERA Spa, If - Idee Editoriali Feltrinelli, Fastweb, Fattore Mamma, Forcoop CORA, Fondazione Accenture, IBM, Impact HUB Milano, KeyStone, Leader Group, LinkedIn, Livello 7, Lundbeck, Manageritalia, Mondadori, NetCommSwiss, Nuvolab, Randstad, Roche, Sanofi, Il Sole 24 ORE, Staufen Italia, Synergie Italia, The Walt Disney Company, Unicredit, Unione Industriali di Reggio Emilia, ValoreD, ZALA Consulting, Zeta Service, Widiba.



Politecnico di Milano, Università Commerciale Bocconi Luigi Bocconi, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Università Statale di Milano, IULM - Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione, Università per Stranieri “Dante Alighieri” di Reggio Calabria, IED Milano.


Il Sole 24 Ore Business School, Talent Garden, HFARM, She Tech Academy, OBE, MEET Digital Culture Center.


Design your path to a meaningful, joyful and fulfilling Life

Personal Branding is way more than just a marketing tool: it’s Human Value, Design Thinking, Communication. Where are you? Working on your Personal Branding strategy means asking yourself what you have achieved so far in your career and where you are willing to go from now on. Who is your target? What do you want them to know? Which tasks do you want them to entrust you with? We will find out how to exploit those questions. As a Business Coach and an expert in Designing Your Life method, I’m going to guide you in a journey of problem reframing, curiosity and radical collaboration, up until planning your next Odysseys.

Who I work with

Here you go: you might be interested to give a look below here to a selection of institutions and companies which have been trusting my support so far.

ABB, Adecco, Aici Italy Chapter, Allianz, Assist, Associazione Civile Giorgio Ambrosoli, Banca Ifis, Banca Intesa, Bigname, California Bakery, The British Chamber of Commerce for Italy Milano, Cescot Veneto, CNR, Comune di Milano (La Dogana - Centro Culturale), Darty, Digitalic, Discovery Communication, ECIPA, Edelman, Consorzio ELIS, DOING, HERA Spa, If - Idee Editoriali Feltrinelli, Fastweb, Fattore Mamma, Forcoop CORA, IBM, Impact HUB Milano, KeyStone, Leader Group, LinkedIn, Livello 7, Lundbeck, Manageritalia, Mondadori, NetCommSwiss, Nuvolab, Randstad, Roche, Sanofi, Il Sole 24 ORE, Staufen Italia, Synergie Italia, The Walt Disney Company, Unicredit, Unione Industriali di Reggio Emilia, ValoreD, ZALA Consulting, Zeta Service, Widiba.


Politecnico di Milano, Università Commerciale Bocconi Luigi Bocconi, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Università Statale di Milano, IULM - Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione, Università per Stranieri “Dante Alighieri” di Reggio Calabria, IED Milano.


Il Sole 24 Ore Business School, Talent Garden, HFARM, She Tech Academy, OBE.


Embrace the wonders of the Growth mindset - prova

Giving talks, I share experiences and vision, going deep dive into subjects and taking everyone on emotional journeys towards new perspectives. The future of work is now: What’s to be in a “permanent beta” world of work? What does being on the digital job market imply? How will you keep a leading role? What are the challenges and opportunities of innovability? Speaking to people, I’m being given the chance to seed and feed upcoming brand new ideas. I’m a Bridge connecting the dots in the Network. Thanks to many years of practicing on the stage as a clown and an amateur actress, I became an astonishing speaker, great at engaging People in enriching and joyful educational paths, putting them into contact with their Deep Genius.

Who I work with

Here you go: you might be interested to give a look below here to a selection of institutions and companies which have been trusting my support so far.

ABB, Adecco, Aici Italy Chapter, Allianz, Assist, Associazione Civile Giorgio Ambrosoli, Banca Ifis, Banca Intesa, Bigname, California Bakery, The British Chamber of Commerce for Italy Milano, Cescot Veneto, CNR, Comune di Milano (La Dogana - Centro Culturale), Darty, Digitalic, Discovery Communication, ECIPA, Edelman, Consorzio ELIS, DOING, HERA Spa, If - Idee Editoriali Feltrinelli, Fastweb, Fattore Mamma, Forcoop CORA, IBM, Impact HUB Milano, KeyStone, Leader Group, LinkedIn, Livello 7, Lundbeck, Manageritalia, Mondadori, NetCommSwiss, Nuvolab, Randstad, Roche, Sanofi, Il Sole 24 ORE, Staufen Italia, Synergie Italia, The Walt Disney Company, Unicredit, Unione Industriali di Reggio Emilia, ValoreD, ZaLa Consulting, Zeta Service, Widiba.


Politecnico di Milano, Università Commerciale Bocconi Luigi Bocconi, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Università Statale di Milano, IULM - Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione, Università per Stranieri “Dante Alighieri” di Reggio Calabria, IED Milano.


Il Sole 24 Ore Business School, Talent Garden, HFARM, She Tech Academy, OBE.

What do People say about me?

I should give at least two feedbacks, one about life and one about work because I've known Francesca long enough to be able to trace the differences. Yet with her, it's impossible because she is her work and her work is Francesca. Don't get me wrong: she knows the difference between life and work very well - what we've all codified with 'work-life balance', and she never mixes the two dimensions, but she's been so good at making this interweaving what she calls 'personal branding'. Something that hits simultaneously the head and the belly, something that you don't need to ask yourself 'whether it's true or no': the question doesn't arise. She is the one who made it into an asset, a pretty personal one. See, that's what comes to mind when I think of Francesca.

Nicola Palmarini, Director - UK's National Innovation Centre for Ageing

To me Francesca is the person to call when… I come up with a new idea. Her creativity and her frankness have always helped me defining and improving my purpose. Francesca rappresenta per me… un punto di riferimento unico perché ha una competenza verticale sul personal branding ma anche competenze traversali di management. Francesca helped me developing my personal branding and helped me enhancing my assets. Also, she introduced me to the AlleyOop team – the multisignature blog powered by Sole 24Ore – with tenacity. If I had to talk about Francesca with someone who hasn’t met her yet, I would describe her as a change leader.

Francesca Devescovi, CEO - DigitAlly

Francesca is creative, passionate, funny. But she can also be direct, brutal, effective. She is the mirror you need to understand whether what you are doing makes sense or not. You usually never get a direct response from people you ask for an opinion about what you are working on, they are either too careful or flattering . Francesca doesn't work like that. She's the person to ask whether you are wrong.

Claudio Cammarano, Head of Marketing, Communications & Digital - DeA Planeta Libri

When I think of Francesca, I think of the person I would call when I need to understand how to enhance yourself, display yourself at best, but above all when you have to arrange educational projects and entrust their management to someone who really know how to give value to the time people spend in their education. To me Francesca is a friend, a travel buddy and a role model: she is an example of how, if you want it and deserve it, you can change your life and make a job out of your passion. I find myself talking about Francesca when you speak about digital, empowerment, networking and – of course – personal branding. If I had to talk about Francesca with someone who hasn’t met her yet, I would describe her as 'personal branding' incarnate.

Luisa Quarta, Marketing Director - Bureau van Dijk Italia - A Moody's Analytics Company

She is burning with energy, pasionaria, a disruptive professional who had a futuristic vision on Digital HR back when no one would have imagined and took it forward with courage and unconventional methodologies.

Silvia Zanella, Manager, author, future of work expert

An extraordinary and distinctive know-how on personal branding, an innovative glance throughout the analysis and redesign phases of HR processes for digital Employee Experiences, commensurate to each generation in your company. This is the great added value Francesca provides to ZaLa Consulting: she makes an innovation role model, inspiring us to redesign our lives on ethical and sustainable bases.

Laura Zanfrini, Transformation Senior Advisor, CEO - ZaLa Consulting

When I met Francesca I was especially impressed by her ability to pay attention to other people and to practice authentic listening. She really looks after you, because she loves her job and she deeply believes in it. Thanks to her expertise and skills, she can find out your personal flow, identify what kind of storytelling you are communicating and what you should tell to convey who you really are, you could be, you want to be. She’s able to capture what you don’t see about you, or what you may know, but are not aware of.

Maria Cristina Origlia, Managing Editor and Director, Journalist, Author - Il Sole24Ore

When I have an idea which is out of the box, or when I want someone to get me out of the box, I talk to Francesca. I love brainstorming and designing projects with her: on the phone, watshapp, messenger, on professional or non-professional social networks, and soon I'm sure I will talk to her also on TikTok. She is a sort of exponential Alexa: a mix of human intelligence and collaborative experience. She is the one I would like to have on board when leaving to discover and innovate in digital marketing, communication and people experience areas. She was also an HR manager, the most eclectic you can think about. She has always been a vital member of Manageritalia: an early adopter, always available to get involved, a top player in developing extraordinary things for the association on diversity and inclusion, personal branding and digital innovation. She is a networker at heart, able to put people value first.

Enrico Pedretti, Head of Marketing - Manageritalia

I met Francesca during the most interesting and innovative course I attended in the last years and I had the chance to appreciate her for a perfect mix of competences, passion and charisma. Francesca has always the capability to introduce a new perspective that brings you to think out of the box and, despite a life spent in guiding and taking decision, I really loved to be guided towards unexplored borders. I’m surprised by thinking back at her because it’s not the amount of time we spent together but the intensity of every moment that had a positive impact on my path and way I’m walking through.

Gaia Ghirardi, Head of Sustainability - CDP Cassa Depositi e Prestiti

Francesca was a great discovery. First of all because I did not know what a Personal Branding expert did, before meeting her, on the other hand because she was a point of no return in making me appreciate how professional life can, in the moment in which it is lived, permeate the outside world, be viralized, transmit a purpose and create value in the community. It's like moving from the medium to the ultimate end. Francesca has impressed me with her ability to read deeply inside the interlocutor, understanding both needs and expectations, even in the absence of structured inputs. It is as if she always knew what is the right thing to communicate, to enhance, to bring out. Thank you.

Paola Boromei, Executive Vice President of HR & Organization - SNAM

Francesca is one of the best purple pragmatic, accurate, inspirational, insightful and effective trainer, teacher, queen I’ve the honor to know and work with. If you work with Francesca she can tell you if you’d be impactful or not, because she is able to understand with her sixth sense, in half a second, where your superpowers are and what a brighting impact they can have on your branding. But beware, if you are a high-strung, over-amped, controlling, know-it-all neurotic, or you are simply one who believes to go on in life by picking cherries on the others trees, it could be a cold wake up call for you.

Alessandro Durello, Head of Digital HR - Technogym

I consider Francesca the person to call when I need an original perspective on uncommon, “uncomfortable” issues. To me Francesca is a professional, with a huge and extraordinary past and an experience: she embodies Strength and Courage. I spoke to Francesca when I met professional opportunities and issues to solve. She is herself a sort of Brand =) If I had to talk about Francesca with someone who hasn’t met her yet, I would describe her as a great professional, with a luggage of experiences worth of her professionality, which she conveys with energy and courage!

Lisa Di Sevo, Partner - PranaVentures/ Chairman - SheTech Italy

When I think of Francesca I think of the person to call when I need inspiration, when I need to have an alternative and competent point of view, able to bring creative and out of the box ideas. I have known Francesca since the beginning of her professional career and within all her roles and experiences she has brought energy, great professionalism and the courage and desire to fight for important issues such as diversity and inclusion. People who are passionate about their work and focused on bringing value to others are easily recognized and without a doubt Francesca is one of them.

Silvia Parma, Global HR Manager, Smart Power - ABB